Scholarships and Awards for Physics UG Students

Paul and May Chu Undergraduate Research Award
The highest departmental honor for undergraduate research work. The Paul and May Chu Undergraduate Research Awards are given annually to reward physics undergraduate students with excellence in research.

Paul Ching Wu Chu Scholarship for Continuing UG Students
The Paul Ching Wu Chu Scholarships are given annually to reward physics undergraduate students with excellent academic course performance.

Overseas Undergraduate Summer Research Travel Grant
The Paul and May Chu Overseas Summer Research Travel Grants are given annually to support qualified physics undergraduate students for oversea (outside Hong Kong) summer research projects.

CERN's Summer Student Programme
Under agreement with CERN, every year we will send up to 2 students to participate in the CERN's Summer Stduent Programme in Geneva, Switzerland and get involved with some of the world's biggest experiment.

Overseas Conference Travel Grant
The Department of Physics announces awards to support undergraduate student delegates to present their research work in overseas conferences.

Physics Major Entry Scholarship
To encourage students to choose physics as their major, the Department of Physics offer up to ten entry scholarships annually to first-year undergraduate students at School of Science who perform excellence in physics courses and will choose physics as their major. Other outstanding performance in Physics will also be considered.

Physics Service Award
The Department of Physics announces Service Award for Undergraduate Physics Students to promote the spirit of service among the Physics students. Priority will be given to those who served their fellow Physics students, the Physics Department, or the community in the capacity of Physics students.

Unversity/School Scholarships for Perspective Students
HKUST encourages excellent applicants to apply for admission to undergraduate programs. Here are the scholarship schemes for applicants with outstanding records..