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Overseas Summer Research Travel Grant

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[A complete list of awardees]

The Paul and May Chu Overseas Summer Research Travel Grants are given annually to support qualified physics undergraduate students for oversea (outside Hong Kong) summer research projects.

[1] Eligibility

An eligible physics undergraduate student for this travel grant should meet all the following requirements:
(a) Must have a cumulative CGA 3.15 or above (Spring term of that year is not included); and
(b) Must find an oversea summer research supervisor with a written recommendation letter.
(c) Must not be an IRE student. (For IRE students, you are guaranteed international exchange and undergraduate research opportunities with support from School of Science. So, this departmental summer research travel grant is for non-IRE students.)

[2] Application Procedure

(a) Find your oversea summer research supervisor. The applicant will be responsible for approaching the overseas supervisors themselves. For reference, here (link) you can find a list of the overseas supervisors who indicated interest in accepting our students in the past. (However, these supervisors have not indicated that they can accept students this year; the applicants have to find out themselves.)
(b) Discuss with your research supervisor about your oversea summer research project.
(c) Email your filled application form (download here) and the recommendation letter from your summer research supervisor to before the application deadline.

[3] Schedule

(a) Application deadline: 01 March. Please email your complete application (filled application form and recommendation letter from your summer research supervisor) to before the application deadline.
(b) Interview: Early March (short-listed applicants will receive separate invitation for interview).
(c) Result: Early March. After the interview, successful applicants will be notified.

[4] Support

Through interviews, the Scholarships Task Group will identify those students with strong research potentials, and they will be supported by the Paul and May Chu Oversea Summer Research Travel Grant. The support includes the round-trip air tickets and a subsidy of HK$1,000 per week, up to 10 weeks.

[5] Obligations

On return, the selected student(s) are required to submit a technical report on his/her research within 10 days (include weekends)  of return, and submit the reimbursement and subsidy document to physics general office within 14 days (include weekends) of return. Before planning your travel, please check carefully “Guidelines & Forms for Physics Staff and Students attending Duty Trips” OR/AND “Request for support letter for Visa Application". 

The selected student is responsible for the application of an appropriate visa (e.g. J1 visa for US) before departure. He / She is also responsible for procuring appropriate travel insurance which covers all his / her non-local activities (including laboratory activities) during the period.

[7] Inquiries

Inquiries can be made to the Physics Department Scholarship Task Group (Email:


Application Form (doc)

Overseas Summer Research Opportunities: List of oversea supervisors in the past years